
Resources and updates for the 2024-2025 school year are available here

Cheshire Academy written in white lettering with a solid dark blue background.


The library is home to multitudes of databases, online resources, equipment, games, and over 25,000 books that students may borrow. There is also an expansive school archive, complete with information about CA’s great leaders and centuries of history. The library hosts a wide range of activities and programming throughout the year.

There are two levels to the CA Library. The lower level, featuring both an open-plan space and conference rooms of varying sizes, lends itself to group work or study, while the upper level is a quiet space for students to study individually.

The Library is open while school is in session, in person and virtually. Visit the Library’s Portal Bulletin Board for the virtual link and in-person hours.

Access the Library Database on the Library’s Topic Pages (you must be logged in to access). Follow @cheshireacademylibrary on Instagram for the latest Library news.


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