Welcome home to
cheshire academy
Enrollment Resources for Families

We are thrilled to welcome you to Cheshire Academy, an institution rich in history and tradition that remains committed to providing our students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in an ever-changing world. With our exceptional academic program; commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion; focus on global citizenship; and strong athletic, arts, and co-curricular offerings, we are confident that you will thrive here – learning, growing, and finding a home in our warm and welcoming community.
Note: As of June 18, 2025, enrolled families have access to the MyCheshire Parent Portal.
Questions? Contact registrationhelp@cheshireacademy.org.
Zoom Meetings for New Families
9th Grade
Saturday, July 19, 8:30 a.m.
10th, 11th, 12th, and PG
Monday, July 28, 3 p.m.
International Students
Saturday, August 9, 8:30 a.m.
All Students & Families
Monday, August 11, 8:30 a.m
Let’s Get Started

Hello and welcome!
Sasha Russell
Director of Constituent Engagement

Health Forms: Magnus Health
At Cheshire Academy, student health information is collected, stored, and managed through the Magnus Health system to provide an efficient, secure, and consistent service to you and your child. Magnus is accessed through the My Cheshire parent portal of the CA website. On the parent portal, you will see a bright orange Magnus Health resource board in which the link to your Magnus account is found.
After accessing Magnus Health, parents will receive instructions on how to complete the online medical registration and obtain healthcare provider forms.
You will need to schedule your student’s visit with your healthcare provider to obtain a current physical examination and to ensure that all required Connecticut immunizations and health screenings have been received prior to arrival at school. All students require a physical examination every year due to our sports and activities requirement.
- DPT/DTap/Td(Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis) – at least 3 doses, with the last dose given after the age of 4 years.
- Tdap booster – dose given after the age of 11 years
- MMR (Measles/Mumps/Rubella) – 2 doses of MMR, at least 28 days apart, with the first dose given after the age of 1 year
- Hepatitis B – 3 doses, with the last dose given after 24 weeks of age
- Hepatitis A – 2 doses, 6 months apart, with the first dose given after age of 1 year
- Meningococcal (A,C,Y,W) – dose after the age of 11 years
- Varivax – 2 doses, at least 28 days apart, with the first dose given after the age of 1 year; or medical documentation of Chicken Pox (Varicella) disease
- HPV vaccine series
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Influenza vaccine
All students are required to have a national medical insurance policy that is effective in Connecticut. Students from the United States are required to submit copies of their medical insurance cards into Magnus Health so their insurance can be properly billed if they require medical care away from campus.
All international students are required to be enrolled in our mandatory Cheshire Academy student medical insurance plan. This Student Accident and Sickness medical insurance plan will cover for the 10-month academic year. The health insurance charge is itemized on the tuition bill, and must be paid prior to students arriving at school. Please do not complete the section “Proof of Insurance.” The Health Center will complete all necessary insurance information and will upload the copy of the Cheshire Academy student medical insurance card into the system for you.
If you have any technical questions when accessing Magnus, completing the forms, or registering online, please contact Magnus directly at service@magnushealthportal.com or 877-461-6831.
If you have any specific medical questions or wish to discuss any medical concerns regarding your child, please contact the Cheshire Academy health team at nurses@cheshireacademy.org or 203-439-7280.
Visit the All School Information resource board on the MyCheshire portal, and our Recommended Reading List for Summer Reading, organized by grade level, will be available soon. These are excellent books, selected for each grade level by our faculty across departments, and while not required, we strongly encourage students and families alike to read as many of them as they wish, perhaps even together!
Individual student class schedules will be made available on the MyCheshire portal in late August, as enrollment and scheduling continues throughout the summer.
This academic year, some classes will require physical or digital texts or resources. The textbooks will be posted to our All School Resources board on the MyCheshire portal in July.
Student requests to leave campus should be submitted via Orah, the online system we use for keeping track of students. These are to be completed by parents and students early in the week when they would like to leave campus. Please note that requests require approval from the Office of Community Life before a student can leave campus.
Orah should also be used for day passes. Day passes should be selected if a student wants to go beyond the town of Cheshire and will be away for more than one hour, but plans to return in the evening. Parents still need to give permission for those requests. Please provide as much lead time as possible for our planning purposes.
There is a $150 per-semester fee for music lessons, select courses, and ensembles. The fee will appear on family accounts for any student who participates and is charged only once each semester, even if a student is participating in more than one offering.
- 9/6-9/8 – Community Building Weekend
- 10/25-10/27 – Health & Wellness Community Weekend
- 1/24-1/26 – International Community Weekend
- 2/14-2/16 – DEIJ Community Weekend
- 3/28-3/30 – Sustainability and Service Community Weekend
Should you have any questions, please reach out to one of the following individuals via email:
Marc Aronson, Dean of Academics, marc.aronson@cheshireacademy.org
Young Kwon, Associate Dean of Academics, young.kwon@cheshireacademy.org
Colleen Altenburger, Dean of Students, colleen.altenburger@cheshireacademy.org
Alex Conaway, Assistant Dean of Students, alex.conaway@cheshireacademy.org
Each room is equipped with a twin bed frame, mattress, desk, chair, closet/bureau, a small personal safe, overhead lights, and window shade. Some dorm rooms are fully carpeted. Most rooms house two students with limited singles in some dorms.
For your bed:
o Pillows
o 2 Sets of pillowcases and sheets (twin – XL)
o Comforter, extra blankets
o Mattress pad (twin – XL)
For your room:
o Laundry basket and/or clothes hamper
o Laundry detergent, dryer sheets, stain remover
o USA-approved surge protector (non-surge protector power strips are not allowed)
o Small fan
o Small trash can
o Small vacuum
o Cleaning supplies
o Desk lamp
o Water bottle
o Extra storage (i.e. under-the-bed, stackable cubes, etc.)
For the bathroom:
o 2-3 towels
o Washcloths/loofah/sponge
o Shower shoes (i.e. flipflops)
o Shower caddy
o Toiletries (i.e. soap, shampoo/conditioner, lotion, face wash, razors, shaving cream, deodorant)
o Oral hygiene products (i.e. toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss)
o Haircare products
o Bathrobe (This item is essential as we have dorm parents and other members of the community that live and work within the dorms)
For your closet:
o Clothes hangers
o Clothes for school (i.e. presentable academic wear, spirit wear, formal wear)
o Workout clothes & gear
o Casual clothes
o Sleepwear
o Weather-related outerwear (i.e. winter jacket, rain/snow boots, hat, gloves, etc.)
o Umbrella
o Lint roller or brush
For your schoolwork:
o Laptop w/ charger
o Notebooks and folders
o Backpack
o Pens, pencils, highlighters
o TI-Nspire calculator
o Headphones
o Glasses/contacts
o Desk supplies (i.e. scissors, tape, sticky notes, paper clips, etc.)
Personal items:
o Driver’s license and/or passport
o Wallet (including debit/credit card, other IDs, medical insurance, etc.)
o Photos, cards/letters, etc.
o Posters (with Command strips for hanging)
o Books, movies, music
o Snacks
o Cell phone and charger(s)
o US power adapters
Cheshire Academy is offering students an optional Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Service. This service is offered through:
Sign up here: trycampuslaundry.com/cheshire
Please do not place an order to rent or buy a refrigerator until you have received your dorm room assignment, as only one refrigerator is allowed per dorm room. We partner with My Cozy Dorm Room for refrigerator rental: mycozydormroom.com.
- Mini-fridges are permitted in dorm rooms given the following parameters:
- Students are permitted one mini-fridge per room.
- All units must comply with Cheshire Academy safety standards and size restrictions. The fridge may not exceed 3.2 cu. ft.
Other appliances are not allowed including microwaves, hot pots or other cooking devices, toasters, coffee makers, blenders, irons, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, etc.
Also not allowed:
- Screens or television monitors larger than 32”
dress code
At no time at school or at school-sponsored events may a student wear:
- Clothing decorated with messages expressing derogatory references
- Clothing decorated with messages advocating or advertising violence, alcohol, or drugs
- Clothing expressing obscenities or displaying inappropriate graphics or logos
- Clothing expressing messages that are contrary to our school values and/or otherwise violate school rules
All clothing should be clean and in good condition with full coverage from underarm to mid-thigh. Tops must have straps or sleeves. Clothing should also allow students to participate fully in all academic activities.
Gray dress pants, white button-down dress shirt, white blouse, gray skirt, or gray dress. All students are required to wear a navy-blue blazer with the Cheshire Academy school patch affixed to the left side. A Cheshire Academy school tie or bow tie should be worn with a white dress shirt. All clothing should be clean, without holes, and in good condition.
Not permitted: white T-shirts, white polo shirts, white sweatshirts, gray jeans, gray leggings (unless worn under a skirt or dress), gray yoga pants, gray sweatpants, slippers, rubber flip-flops/slides, or Crocs.
If a student or parent/guardian is concerned about school dress or unsure whether certain attire is permissible under Appropriate Academic Dress or Formal Wear, please contact the Dean of Academics, Associate Dean of Academics, Dean of Students, or Assistant Dean of Students before wearing questionable attire to school.
Fall preseason begins Friday, August 29, 2025.
Participating in preseason is not required and is intended for returning varsity players and incoming varsity candidates. If your student is attending preseason, it is expected that they have some previous experience with the sport and have done some training over the summer. There will also be open tryouts during the first week of school for those students who are not attending preseason training.
In addition, attending preseason activities does not guarantee students a spot on the varsity team. For some programs, the varsity roster size will be limited. If there is significant interest in a specific program, a junior varsity or sub-varsity team will be formed.
Below are some important notes leading up to preseason:
- Boarding students attending preseason will move into their assigned dorm for the year
- The dining commons will be open and serving meals for boarding and day students
- All health requirements and forms, including physicals, vaccinations, and all required documents must be completed, submitted, and approved via the Magnus Health system before medical clearance can be granted to arrive to campus
- Please contact the Richmond Health Center by email at nurses@cheshireacademy.org or by phone at 203-439-7280 with any questions
- All school rules and the Student & Family Handbook are in effect during preseason
The football preseason will focus on physical conditioning and reinforcing proper technique as we prepare for the season. We will break down by position group and implement individual skill instruction, as well as install offensive and defensive schemes. In addition to practice time on the turf, we will meet daily to review and prepare in a non-contact environment. Lastly, we will conduct team strength and conditioning sessions. Students who plan on attending preseason and have not been in touch with the coach, or have any questions, can contact Head Coach Bill Mella at bill.mella@cheshireacademy.org.
*For safety reasons, football starts earlier than other fall sports in order to complete a required number of practices before competition begins.
Boys’ Soccer
The boys’ soccer preseason program will focus on conditioning, skill sets, and drills. All players are asked to bring cleats, shin guards, and a pair of running shoes. Students who plan on attending preseason and have not been in touch with the coach, or have any questions, can contact Head Coach Ed Banach at edward.banach@cheshireacademy.org.
Girls’ Soccer
The girls’ soccer preseason will consist of individual skill work, team training, and physical fitness. Participants should have been training over the summer. We’ll incorporate team building activities and various opportunities to build a strong foundation for the girls’ soccer program. We expect participants to arrive with a positive attitude, a commitment to improvement, and a strong work ethic. Students will learn new skills, create long-lasting bonds with teammates, and understand the fulfillment that comes from being part of a competitive team. Students who plan on attending preseason and have not been in touch with the coach, or have any questions, can contact Head Coach Andrei Popescu at andrei.popescu@cheshireacademy.org.
Girls’ Volleyball
The volleyball preseason will focus on cultivating a positive team atmosphere and implementing team culture through a variety of activities both on and off the court. In addition, we’ll learn and enhance our individual skill sets and how they fit within the team concept. We’ll also spend time on our overall physical fitness and strength training. Students who plan on attending preseason and have not been in touch with the coach, or have any questions, please contact Head Coach Kayla Padroff at kayla.padroff@cheshireacademy.org.
If your student plans on attending a preseason program, please fill out the form linked in the MyCheshire portal.