There is always something to do at Cheshire Academy! The number of clubs, activities, student publications and performance groups is extensive and often grows or changes to meet the interests of the students. There truly is something for everyone.
Afternoon Activities
The Afternoon Program is part of the educational philosophy and culture of Cheshire Academy, and is as important and inclusive as the academic, social, and residential facets of each day. The Afternoon Program helps each student to acclimate to the community and take pride in contributing to something bigger than themselves.
Questions? Contact our Director of Athletics
There is a club available for everyone at, with groups like the Eco Leaders, dedicated to advancing environmental sustainability; Student Ambassadors, who give tours to prospective students and show off their CA pride; the Paw Print student-run newspaper; and even the Candy Club, which explores candies from around the United States and around the world.
Questions? Contact our Student Activities Coordinator
Afternoon Activities

Managing a team is a very important job and will count as a Competitive Activity. Duties vary from team to team. Duties include running the clock and recording stats at practice, maintaining the scorebook during games, maintaining hydration at games, filming games, pre and post practice and game organization assistance with set up and clean up, and making sure everything for away games is on the bus. The coach will provide a plan and plenty of guidance.

The Science Olympiad is a nationwide organization dedicated to promoting science education through competitive science tournaments. Olympiad teams spend months studying for the big competition, all the while learning new things and making new friends. The competition is an exciting day, and the winners get to go to nationals. In Science Olympiad, teams of up to 15 students meet and compete in about 23 different science events that cover many different areas of science, technology, engineering, and math. Some events require constructing a project ahead of time, while others involve on-the-spot application of skills to a given problem. Individual students win medals for placing in an event, with cumulative scores yielding overall team placement at a tournament. For more information, visit

The drama department welcomes actors, singers, stage crew, and tech crew for the three performances which take place throughout the school year, including a fall play, winter musical, and a student-led spring production that ranges from improv and devised theater to cabaret. The performances are always a significant commitment, but also a good time, with fantastic shows for the community to enjoy!

The annually published Rolling Stone, Cheshire Academy’s yearbook, is a herculean project produced by a committed team of students and their faculty coaches. In honor of the amount of effort and teamwork needed to produce a quality document of 100-plus pages, participants in the yearbook may substitute one competitive athletic offering to join the club. Student participants may photograph campus events, format yearbook pages, and write copy for selected images. In addition, students are responsible for choosing pictures for the yearbook and organizing content for pages, which may include working with seniors, parents, and community partners.
Our Robotics Team is a dynamic group of innovative thinkers and problem solvers. Our team members gain hands-on experience in engineering and computer programming as we collaboratively experiment with various builds. As we learn and have fun together, we also iterate on a main robot build to create our most competitive robot for the VEX Robotics Competition.
Beyond the technical skills, our team cultivates essential life skills such as teamwork, leadership, project management, and communication. We believe that our robotics team is not just about building robots; it’s about building the innovators of tomorrow.

Cheshire Academy has more than 20 interscholastic sports offerings. Visit our team pages to learn more.
Community Service
Off-season strength and conditioning
Recreational tennis (fall)
Recreational golf (fall)
Recreational fencing (fall)
Recreational skiing (winter)
The Asian Student Union strives to damper the hold racism and xenophobia have over those that identify as Asians. Educating and spreading awareness about the various cultures that enrich our society in numerous respects, while simultaneously highlighting one of the most over-written minority groups.
Stargazing anyone? During club time, students will meet, discuss, and explore different astronomical events and topics that are decided upon by the group. Students will plan and organize trips such as stargazing and observing astronomical events. A goal of the club is to participate in competitions and connect with other clubs/teams who are also involved in astronomy. The Astronomy Club is a great place to find and meet people with similar interests in astronomy. It is really amazing what likeminded people can do together!
The CA Badminton Club will offer players of all levels the chance to come to the fieldhouse every week to enjoy the awesome sport of badminton. Whether you’re a complete novice or a seasoned pro, the club will offer you a chance to enjoy playing with your friends while developing your skills and techniques. We’ll all work together to learn the rules of the game, to develop basic skills, and to play some informal matches against one another. Please join us this fall, whether you’re a student who is eager to pick up a racket for the first time or an experienced player who is ready to show off your skills and help others to learn the game!
Our mission is to empower, educate, and equip young Black women to tackle social problems that they might face or have already encountered. We want to use our voices and aim to uplift and educate whilst providing a safe space that will be a supportive and respectful environment that is understanding of each other’s different experiences. Our club is to give students the tools to create change in the community and help others do the same.
The Black Student Union provides a space for students who identify as Black to connect and learn more about their own diverse cultures and experiences. The BSU seeks to increase awareness of issues impacting the Black community as a whole and promote social justice. Our discussion sessions are open to those interested in learning about Black culture and advocating for social justice. Working with the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the BSU will help develop programming to celebrate Black culture throughout the year including Black History Month and MLK Jr. Day. Members will also have the opportunity to participate in local cultural and diversity events.
Chess Club gives students (and faculty!) an opportunity to play friendly games of chess against their peers in a low-stress environment, as well as learn new strategies to improve their own game. Students of all levels are welcome to come, as help is given to those who need it. Drop-by games are always running, and the club meets during both lunch periods on Tuesdays.
For students with some experience working with clay, this is a prerequisite. The time will be used to make ceramic work, both hand-built and thrown (wheel throwing will only be for those students who have wheel experience). Projects include making bowls for our “Empty Bowls” fundraiser.
The Coleman Group is a mentorship group that aims to empower young women at Cheshire Academy by developing their voice, their leadership skills, and their knowledge of topics that influence their gender. The Coleman Group is both a leadership opportunity and a network of supportive female relationships that prepares young women for success and overall well-being at Cheshire Academy and the world beyond.
The Debate Club will offer students the opportunity to explore controversial, topical, and interesting issues while gaining valuable experience in public speaking, forming and defending arguments, and research. We will discuss real-world topics and issues in a comfortable and competitive environment.
Diversity Club embraces different cultures and strives to create a world with better understanding and open-mindedness. We build connections with each other and whomever to initiate well-informed and meaningful conversations. We welcome all and encourage everyone to join.
The Eco Leaders is a student leadership organization committed to advancing environmental sustainability at all levels; individual, community and nationally. Eco Leaders approach sustainability from both an environmental as well as economic and cultural perspective. Students lead campus and community projects such as beach clean-ups, Earth Day celebrations, dorm recycling, and much more.
The Ethics Bowl club will offer students the opportunity to explore controversial, topical, and interesting issues while gaining valuable experience in public speaking, forming, and defending arguments, and research. We will discuss real world topics and issues in a comfortable and competitive environment. The club will also be attending the Ethics Bowl Competition at Yale University in January 2025.
The Jewish Student Union is more than just a high school club. It is a welcoming and vibrant Jewish community where teens who identify as Jewish by religion or ethnicity learn and connect with each other, explore Jewish culture and history, and gather to celebrate and share Jewish Holidays and provide education about both Jewish history and life experience.
The Gender/Sexuality Alliance is a group of students who are allies for those who not only identify as gay or transgender, but also those who identify as a minority. The GSA sponsors social and educational events that celebrate diversity and individual differences. The group is a member of True Colors and GLAAD, two statewide organizations that provide resources and support to GSAs.
The Ich Dien Society is a student-run community service organization. Projects have included two annual blood drives, a Pennies for Patients drive to fight childhood leukemia, and a schoolwide breast cancer awareness campaign during Family Weekend to support the Play4theCure National Foundation for Cancer Research. This gives students a way to help their local community as well as the greater global community in which they live.
Help Cheshire Academy “throw kindness around like confetti.” While kindness in our community is no one groups job, the Kindeness Club will organize and facilitate activities around campus to start the trend. The Kindness Club will partner with the garden club to enhance and maintain the Kindness Garden near the humanities courtyard, and other clubs as it is appropriate to keep kindness flowing in our community.
The CA Math Club meets weekly to practice a range of questions in preparation for high-level math contests, designed to challenge even the most gifted high school mathematician. Representatives from the Math Club participate each year in regional, national, and internationally recognized contests and competitions, including the American Math Competition (AMC), The Math League, the Harvard-MIT Math Tournament, and both the Girls in Math and Math Majors of America Tournament for High Schools (MMATHS) at Yale.
Model United Nations is an academic simulation of the United Nations through which delegates debate, collaborate, and attempt to solve wide-ranging international issues of immense importance. In so doing, participants develop skills in diplomacy, cooperation, and critical thinking that motivate lifelong global citizenship.
Students in this club have the opportunity to hone their skills by understanding and learning about what makes a good photograph, from composition to artistic expression. Students are encouraged to practice their skills while photographing school-related activities and sporting events. All levels of experience are welcome and encouraged to explore this exciting side of the visual arts.
The Spirit Squad is focused on offering opportunities for school spirit and involvement. Participants will attend athletic events, theater and music performances, sponsor fundraisers, support weekend activities, and much more. Our mission is to represent Cheshire Academy with a spirit of support for our teams, fans, and the entire CA community. Spirit is the feeling or pride and loyalty that exists among the members of a group and community that helps to make the members of the group do their best!
The Student Activities Committee (SAC) is focused on offering opportunities for school spirit and involvement. SAC helps plan and organize events for students. At weekly meetings, students work together to make decisions about what activities are needed at CA, and what we can do to improve student life at CA. Our mission is to represent the Academy with a spirit of support for the entire student body. Spirit is the feeling or pride and loyalty that exists among the members of a group and community that helps to make the members of the group do their best!
Student Ambassadors serve an important leadership role in our community. You are the first faces of Cheshire Academy that prospective families see and are their first connection to the Cheshire Academy experience!
Essential duties of this role include leading campus tours for prospective students and their families, answering questions about academics, school life and other topics in a knowledgeable and appropriate manner, serving as a point of contact for prospective students throughout the admission process and participating in other informational events as deemed necessary by the Admission Office and other school departments.
All Student Ambassadors must apply. Upon acceptance you will complete a brief training, participate in mock tours, and eventually lead your own campus tours independently. Along with all the duties listed, there is also a lot of fun to be had! It is a chance to make friends, learn more about Cheshire Academy, and celebrate our year’s accomplishments together!
Transformers is Cheshire Academy’s recently created transgender support group! The group began last year and, although we often collaborate with GSA, it is important to note that unlike GSA this group is not a space for allies. Transformers is a safe place where any CA students who identify as transgender, non-binary, and/or gender-nonconforming can talk freely about their experiences, seek advice from students who may have been in similar situations, be updated on important trans news or media, and more! Our faculty advisor is Dr. Arias and we typically meet Tuesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
The Purpose of the Latine Club is to educate, raise awareness, create a supportive environment, and connect with Latinx communities at a local and global scale