What Black History Month Means to Our Community
Feb 1, 2024
We got to chat with several of our amazing Cheshire Academy alumni during Black History Month, and we’re excited to share their thoughts with the rest of the community. Read below to learn more.

Tiara McKnight '12
What does Black History Month mean to you?
Black History Month to me is about honoring our past and seeing where we are and feeling inspired for our future. Many of us are living in dreams that our family could only imagine about. We live in a world where you can be yourself and be proud of where you come from. Many of us are thriving in education, in our workplaces, and even running our own businesses.
How do you personally identify?
I identify as an African American who is here to help become a bridge between different cultures. I want to carry hope and love where ever I go.
What is one way someone can celebrate Black History Month, big or small?
You can celebrate Black History Month by getting to know some of our current stories — not just our histories. Show support of the community whether that is through supporting businesses or just getting to know someone who is different than you. See how you can help in the community not just during Black History Month but year-round. Be a part of the new history. If we were really able show up for each other (regardless of race), we would realize that we aren’t so different.
Share some personal or professional accomplishments that you are most proud of since your time at CA!
There are so many things for which I am grateful. Personally, one of my biggest accomplishments is starting a family with my husband. We are blessed to be raising our five boys. Professionally, I am proud that I get to be a full-time artist, run an art business (Art By Tee), and serve my community as an art teacher/ mentor to many kids here in Maryland.

Tyrone Black, Former Faculty
What does Black History Month mean to you?
It is a time set aside to recognize and celebrate the legacy, accomplishments, and triumphs of black people. It’s a time of revisiting the journey, whether good or bad. To me, it is a month that reminds me that I am strong and come from a lineage of people, my ancestors, who are gifted and greatly blessed. I truly and most graciously stand upon the shoulders of those who died for my freedom as a member of the black community.
How do you personally identify?
I identify as an African American male.
How can someone celebrate Black History Month, big or small?
By extending the learning and celebration beyond February. Make black history a part of the culture of every organization.
What were some ways you celebrated black history on campus during your time at CA?
The Cheshire Academy gospel choir, which I directed, used to host gospel concerts to celebrate black history.
Share some personal and/or professional accomplishments that you are most proud of since your time at CA!
- Becoming associate head of school at Tabor Academy in Marion, Massachusetts
- Being the founder of my consulting LLC (T. Carlton Educational Consulting, LLC)
- Earning my Ed.D. in higher education administration and organizational change

Jemimah Frempong ’18
What does Black History Month mean to you?
Black History Month is a time to celebrate the excellence of the black diaspora. It is a month to reflect upon those who worked hard and fought for me to be where I am today. As a university graduate, I am thankful and inspired by pioneers such as Mary Jane Patterson, who was the first Black woman to earn a college degree. The labor of my predecessors was not in vain as I strive for excellence knowing every day my accomplishments make those who came before me proud. To me, Black History Month is not just about remembering those before you, but also being inspired to accomplish what once was only a dream to many.
How do you personally identify?
I am a Ghanaian American female.
What is one way someone can celebrate Black History Month, big or small?
You can celebrate Black History Month by getting educated on the importance of this season. It is easy to take things for granted when you are ignorant of the past. Take time this month to learn about slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the barriers the movement broke. Learn about Lewis Latimer, who began the spark for what is now your lightbulbs, or Charles Drew, known as the father of the blood bank. Educate yourself this month and it will help you not take those around you and the opportunities you now have for granted. Have conversations that feel uncomfortable and celebrate the growth that comes from gaining newfound knowledge!
I remember when I was a student at CA we spent weekly morning meetings learning about influential members of the Black community. I hope that never goes away because that was a step in the right direction!
Share some personal or professional accomplishments that you are most proud of since your time at CA!
I loved my time at CA! I made the most amazing connections with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Since my time at CA, I have had the privilege to be a co-author in two published research papers. I currently work as a clinical research coordinator at UPenn running a decision aid study on breast cancer screening mammography.
My advice to current CA students would be to never stop building connections with your classmates. Enjoy the conversations and ask questions about their cultures. Break the barriers of stereotypes and keep gaining cultural competence. The people you meet will shape the way you think outside of CA and make you a well-rounded individual.