Our Math Lab is an appointment based as well as a drop-in extra help resource for students to receive support from Math Department faculty and specially trained Math Fellows. It is organized by our Math Lab Coordinator, Samuel Fowler, who also trains the Math Fellows in teaching/communication strategies and technology. It is open during the academic day and certain nights in the evening before Study Hall. This resource is open to all students, regardless of what courses they are enrolled in.
The Math Lab can be used as a place to:
- Complete Homework
- Review for Quizzes and Tests
- Go Through Test Corrections
- Practice/Learn Strategies for Standardized Tests
- Discuss Math in Other Subjects such as Art, Gaming, and Science
- Play Math Related Games such as Magic the Gathering
- Work Through Physical and Mental Puzzles
- And Much More!

This year, Math Lab was open every period at least once a week, and generally three times a week in person in JJW 205 or the Roxbury Commons. This provides every student the opportunity to take advantage of help from math teachers and peers from many different classes. Schedules are posted around all of the academic buildings, as well as dorms, and on the Math Lab Resource Board on the Portal. No appointments are necessary to visit the Math Lab, although making one will let the teacher/Math Fellow know you are coming and be better prepared! We look forward to supporting every student’s success in math this year!
completed sessions in the 23-24 academic year
unique students particiated in 23-24