
Resources and updates for the 2024-2025 school year are available here

Cheshire Academy written in white lettering with a solid dark blue background.


Our Math Lab is a drop-in extra help resource for students to receive support from Math Department faculty during their free periods. Math teachers will open their classrooms for all students, regardless of what courses they are enrolled in.

The Math Lab can be used as a place to:

  • Complete homework
  • Ask for instruction on material
  • Review for quizzes and tests
  • Work through practice exams

This year, Math Lab will be open during each remote period for students to visit in person or via Zoom. This provides every student the opportunity to take advantage of help from math teachers from across the department. Schedules are posted on each math classroom door and on each math course’s Portal page. No appointments are necessary to visit the Math Lab. Our faculty look forward to supporting every student’s success in math this year!

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