
Resources and updates for the 2024-2025 school year are available here

Cheshire Academy written in white lettering with a solid dark blue background.


Many students come to Cheshire Academy knowing they love the arts; others discover their passion while attending. All of our students experience the process of creating art and learning to be more imaginative in solving problems — whether it’s in the keyboard lab using technology to build new sounds, the digital photography studio exploring shooting and editing techniques, or on stage developing dramatic tone and movement.

The arts teach you many lessons; at Cheshire Academy, you’ll learn that problems often have more than one solution, and you’ll see that there are many ways to look at and interpret the world. As you work in the Fine and Performing Arts Department, from painting to piano, you will likely encounter unanticipated possibilities.


In the visual arts, our instructors encourage students to explore the deeper meanings of personal expression while cultivating technical and creative skills in a variety of disciplines.


Cheshire Academy’s music program will develop the skill, focus, and tenacity to confidently perform before a variety of school events.


The theater program provides students the opportunity to perform in front of an audience in a comedy, drama, or musical, or work behind the scenes.

Field Trip Venues

With our campus located just 20 minutes from both New Haven and Hartford, Cheshire Academy students have an array of opportunities to catch performances and exhibits outside of the community. Class field trips and weekend evenings out might include a trip to the following venues:

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