

Cheshire Academy written in white lettering with a solid dark blue background.

1794 Challenge Surpasses Goals, Raising More than $200,000

More donors than ever support key Cheshire Academy Annual Fund initiatives 

A record 383 donors took part in the 1794 Challenge: Cheshire Gives, raising more than $203,000 to help keep Cheshire Academy one of the best independent schools in the country. 

The 1794-minute campaign – s-purred on by creative “Catflix” videos that parodied popular TV shows – included challenges and matching gifts throughout the day. By 11:54 p.m. on March 5, alumni, parents, and friends from 25 states and five countries had participated – a 62.4% increase in individual donors from last year’s challenge.  

Catflix presents the 1794 challenge results, 383 donors, 100 alumni donors, 90 parent donors, 70 employee donors, a total of $203,544.10 dollars raised, a 64.4% donor increased from the prior 1794 challenge of 2024, 81 new donors, 25 states and 5 countries

The entire campus community got involved in this year’s challenge. Faculty and staff acted in videos and posed for poster photos, while students submitted their own videos on Instagram and Tik Tok.  

“We are so proud of our Cheshire Academy family,” said Chief Advancement Officer Joe Long. “Because of you, Cheshire Academy is on track to break $1 million in annual support that we use for scholarships, facilities, athletics, student activities, faculty development and so, so much more.” 

The two-day challenge is over until next year on February 24-25, 2026, but you can always find ways to donate to Cheshire Academy. Visit our Ways to Give page to learn more.  

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